Michael Roy, a Sr. Technical Marketing Manager for vCloud Air at VMware, recently wrote a great article on the vCloud Air blog about Workstation 11 built-in integration with VMware vCloud® Air™. Michael goes through step-by-step on how to upload a VM right from the Workstation 11 Interface to vCloud Air. Links to the Blog Post are below:
From Your Workstation to the Cloud
Posted on February 26, 2015 by Michael Roy
Also Kudos to Michael for unlocking the nested achievement badge with Workstation 11 as shown above. As Mike stated “Workstation 11 is actually running in VMware Fusion 7.1.0, managing my workloads in vCloud Air. That’s pretty meta (oh, and it’s running inside Windows 10 Preview, because why not?).”
Many Thanks to the Michael Roy in the vCloud Team on highlighting some great features in Workstation 11.