Product Announcements

The Uptime Blog is Moving!

We've decided at VMware that we shouldn't make you scramble around quite as much for different material found in different blogs, so we're going to start consolidating our blogs under the vSphere blog.

This has a few advantages, primarly the fact that you won't need to go to different locations to retrieve information about various VMware related material.  You can also now perhaps be exposed to a wider variety of information than you would have seen in the past as you'll have more authors piping data into one location.

So from now on, keep on top of a lot more data by updating your link to the uptime blog to the Main vSphere Blog.

Now, for those of you who would rather still see just uptime-related material, it's not a problem, we are maintaining some semblance of structure, so you can just go directly to the Uptime Section and not have to see the rest of the postings.  

So you have options!  The main blog will include all sorts of material about the Platform, Uptime, Networking, Storage, vCenter, and vCloud, but as I mentioned you also have the option of limiting your viewing to just the subjects of interest.  If at any time you want to see subject material specific to one of those categories, you can just click on the appropriate category on the right of the screen.

So, I'll see you soon at the new location at
