
A week in virtualization

In a recent evaluation of ten of the leading cloud solution vendors (including Microsoft, Red Hat, Amazon, Rackspace and others), the Taneja Group determined that VMware stands out as the clear cloud leader due to its broad portfolio of virtualization and cloud management solutions, service provider ecosystem, and cross-cloud enabling tools and interfaces.

The Hopkinton, MA based Taneja Group are a boutique analyst firm that focuses on the storage industry, storage-related aspects of the server industry, and eDiscovery. Using the VMware-CSC service provider partnership as an example, the Taneja Group highlights what sets VMware’s hybrid cloud service provider program apart:

  • A true enterprise hybrid cloud offering
  • Fast time to deployment
  • Transparent and auditable security
  • Dedicated infrastructure
  • Multi-tiered enterprise SLAs
  • Global consistency and reach
  • And finally, our enterprise hybrid cloud expertise.

You can read a detailed blog post about this study on the vCoud blog at blog-vmware.go-vip.net/vcloud – that article also includes a link to the full study.

On the Console blog, our CTO Steve Herrod has posted about Cloud Foundry and how it helps you preserve multi-cloud choice and flexibility. He goes into some detail of why companies would want to have multi-cloud setups, such as the ability to grow your platform over time if and when you need it, avoiding vendor lock-in, and meeting different compliance and geographical needs.

Cloud Foundry can deliver this flexibility and the rapid growth of its ecosystem is proof. These days, we have several public cloud providers on board, such as enStratus, Virtacore, and Tier 3, as well as a number of private cloud distributors, including Dell, Canonical, and Scalr.

As many suggest, 2012 will be the year of PaaS, and avoiding vendor lock-in will be a big factor for many businesses. Read more about how Cloud Foundry can help you achieve just that on blog-vmware.go-vip.net/console

The London VMUG has announced the winners of the Best Community Presentation Awards for 2011. Our congratulations go out to Stuart Radnidge, Jonathan Medd, and Julian Wood who have all stepped way out of their daily jobs and family commitments to share their experience and know-how with the community. Way to go folks!