
VMTN Community Leadership

Hi vCommunity,

I wanted to give everyone a little more detail on the new “Product Communities,” I mentioned on the last blog. They are: SDDC, Networking, Digital Workspace, Desktop Hypervisor, Cloud, Education & Certification, Support, VMware {code}, Betas, and more. These communities will feature a “join,” option which allows a member to engage and collaborate with other community users who are interested in the same product and/or service.

Each higher level Product Community will have a leadership group consisting of 1-2 Directors, multiple Managers, and Multiple Individual Contributors. Here’s a quick breakdown of each leadership position:

  • Director: Each community will be owned by one or two Directors. This position is recommended to have one internal Director and one external Director, although that is not required. The Director oversees the community as a whole and makes sure that it is running smoothly. They also oversee the Manager(s) and Individual Contributors.
  • Manager: Product Communities can have multiple Managers depending on the size of the community. Managers will manage specific communities under the main Product Community. They have the ability to edit and create community content, get feedback from users of the community, come up with events for their community, and more. Managers can also manage activities for community members such as livestreams, hackathons, learning labs, etc.
  • Individual Contributor: ICs will be those staying active in the community. Whether it be responding to posts, posting their own content, or just being there as a helping hand for users.


If you have any questions or would like to apply to be part of the leadership for any Product Community, feel free to email me at jenniferg@vmware.com.




VMTN Community Manager