Podcasts VMTN VMware

VMware Communities Roundtable Podcast 273 – VMware #vExpert 2014


John Mark Troyer, VMware @jtroyer

Mike Gordon Laverick, VMware @Mike_Laverick


Corey Romero, VMware @vCommunityGuy


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2014 top VMware & virtualization blog voting results

VMware Unleashes Horizon 6 – Delivering Published Applications and Virtual Desktops on a Single Integrated Platform

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VMware vExpert 2014


vExpert 2014 Announcement

vExpert 2014 Q2 applications are openCreate, Share, Organize

VMware Horizon 6 Unveiled Today

WOW – 767 vExperts – Congratulations!

Vendor Clubs: Watch Your Independence

2014 top VMware & virtualization blog voting results

vExperts who participate in the program have access to private betas, free licenses, early access briefings, exclusive events, free access to VMworld conference materials online, and other opportunities to interact with VMware product teams. They also get access to a private community and networking opportunities.

Changes for the 2014 vExpert Program

We will leave the application open year round and at the end of each quarter we will begin the voting process for new vExperts from the previous quarter. So even if you are not picked to become a vExpert 2014 right away, we will allow for quarterly voting and nominations. The Q1 voting process only covered 2013 activities. If you were not selected as a vExpert in the first phase, we recommend that you apply in Q2 as we will consider both 2013 and Q1 of 2014 activities.

Evangelist Path

The Evangelist Path includes book authors, bloggers, tool builders, public speakers, VMTN contributors, and other IT professionals who share their knowledge and passion with others with the leverage of a personal public platform to reach many people. Employees of VMware can also apply via the Evangelist path. A VMware employee reference is recommended if your activities weren’t all in public or were in a language other than English.

Customer Path

The Customer Path is for leaders from VMware customer organizations. They have been internal champions in their organizations, or worked with VMware to build success stories, act as customer references, given public interviews, spoken at conferences, or were VMUG leaders. A VMware employee reference is recommended if your activities weren’t all in public.

VPN (VMware Partner Network) Path

The VPN Path is for employees of our partner companies who lead with passion and by example, who are committed to continuous learning through accreditations and certifications and to making their technical knowledge and expertise available to many. This can take shape of event participation, video, IP generation, as well as public speaking engagements. A VMware employee reference is required for VPN Path candidates.

Information on the vExpert Q2 2014 program:

Recommend someone apply to become a 2014 vExpert: