
A week in virtualization

Weekly virtualization news, as featured on the Community Roundtable podcast.

Yesterday, VMware announced acquisition of SlideRocket. SlideRocket delivers innovative presentation solutions that use modern concepts of cloud computing, collaboration, social media and mobile computing platforms. To find out more, visit sliderocket.com You can also check out Steve Herrod's blog post about the acquisition, at blog-vmware.go-vip.net/console

We are still accepting vExpert applications for 2011. In order to be selected as a vExpert, the applicant should have gone above and beyond their day job in contributing to the virtualization and VMware user community. For more details, and to apply, visit VMTN blog at blog-vmware.go-vip.net/vmtn

VMware Studio 2.5 is now available. This release provides a number of cool enhancements, such as provisioning using vCloud Director, Multiple NIC support, ability to deploy an appliance without specifying IP pools. LVM support now allows you to extend appliance disk size after deployment. For a full list of new features, go to vmware.com/go/studio

Coming up in the next days and weeks, we have number of events going on in the world of virtualization.

On May 11th, we'll have a webinar on Reliable Disaster Protection with VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager. To find out more and register, head over to webcasts.vmware.com

VMware Forum events are taking place in early May in Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels, Rome, as well as in Washington DC, New York, Anaheim, and Mexico City. The web page with details is linked directly from vmware.com – simply click on the box that says “VMware Forum 2011” on the lower left.

There are four full-day regional VMUG conferences happening over the next couple of weeks, starting with Milwaukee, Wisconsin, tomorrow, and continuing on to King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, Dublin, Ohio, and finally Palo Alto, in Silicon Valley, California. Regional VMUGs are full-blown virtualization conferences, with agendas spanning a whole day and up to 1000 people attending.

Additionally, the following VMUGs are meeting over the next seven days: Grand Rapids, Melbourne, Helsinki, and Charlotte. Details and registration links for all these VMUG meetings are at myvmug.org and click “Events.”