VMware View

Get to know the new VDM 2.1 – Doug Brown’s Reviewers Guide

We recently released version 2.1 of the VMware Virtual Desktop Manager (VDM), a way to manage connections between remote users and centralized virtual desktops. See the VDM 2.1 release notes.

Doug Brown has now produced with VMware a VDM 2.1 Reviewers Guide. It’s a great resource, not just for journalists or other reviewers, but for people doing either a technology evaluation of VDI solutions or even if you’re just getting started figuring out how desktop virtualization works. Doug writes about the genesis of the project. Link: VMware Release "Virtual Desktop Manager (VDM) 2.1 Reviewer’s Guide" – Written By: Douglas Brown.

I’ve actually been evaluating and testing VMware’s VDM 2.x solutions since the early beta’s were available. I must admit, I very much liked what I saw in the early beta releases.  I feel the beauty of VDM is that it is easy it is to deploy, administer, and use. That being said, while I was evaluating VDM, I thought it might be fun to document how to install, configure, and use it.  You know, I wanted to document the exact steps I used to install my VDM 2.1 lab environment. I wanted to create a VDM in a Box!

Once I was about 100 pages in to the document I
decided to email a friend of mine who works for VMware to tell him
about what I was working on while "messing around" with VDM and he
ended up asking me if I would be interested in writing it for VMware to
use as a "Reviewer’s Guide". Hence this white paper. VMware’s
goal for this white paper is to give you everything you need to get you
up and running with VDM, as quick as possible, even if you have never
used VDM before. That being said, VMware just posted their version of my VDM white paper for all to download!

Download the VDM 2.1 Reviewers Guide. But Doug’s not done! Back in the day, Doug created the Methodology in a Box, a 900+ page guide for installing and deploying a successful Citrix environment. It was a big boon to the Citrix community, and it’ll be great to get one for the community deploying today’s VDI-style environments. Doug is looking to make this an open collaborative project.

BUT… I’m not done.. I’m still working on my version of the VDM white paper and will soon release it as VDM in a Box 1.0! I
will write more about VDM in a Box 1.0 in the coming weeks so stay
tuned.  I will say I’m looking to turn this document in to a sort of
"Open Source" project where the "VDM community" can collaborate on
making it better!!!  (If you are interested in collaborating on VDM in a Box please email me at dbrown@dabcc.com)