Thank you to everyone who applied for vExpert VSAN. Myself and VMware Storage & Availability Business Unit are pleased to announce the list of 2016 vExperts who received the VSAN award. This elite group includes bloggers, book authors, VMUG leaders, speakers, tool builders, community leaders and general enthusiasts. This group of individuals have passion and enthusiasm for technology, but more importantly, have demonstrated significant activity and evangelism around VSAN.
The program is built upon the vExpert program. To apply you must be a current vExpert as well as someone who is evangelizing VMware VSAN. We will open applications once per year for each of the sub-programs. Applications for 2017 will open around February of 2017.
Please join us in congratulating this select group and welcoming them to the vExpert VSAN program. We couldn’t be more excited to partner and work with both the Storage & Availability Business Unit and the vExpert program!
First Name Last Name Twitter
Aram Avetisyan @how2vm
Brian Beeler @bmbeeler
Nick Bowie @nickbowienz
Mark Brookfield
Erik Bussink @ErikBussink
James Cruickshank @vcrooky
Zach Dickinson
Lee Dilworth @leedilworth
Myles Gray @mylesagray
Florian Grehl @virten
Martin Hosken @hoskenm
Marc Huppert @MarcHuppert
Steve Kaplan @stvkpln
Anastasis Ksouzafeiris @anksos
AJ Kuftic @ajkuftic
William Lam @lamw
Jason Langer @jaslanger
Leandro Ariel Leonhardt @leonhardtla
Scott Lowe @otherscottlowe
Matt Mancini @vmexplorer
Frederic Martin @vmdude_fr
Jason Massae @jbmassase
Andrea Mauro @Andrea_Mauro
Paul McSharry @pmcsharry
Christian Mohn @h0bbel
Kevin OBrien @testlabnut
Anthony Poh @anthony_poh
Mohamed Roushdy
Raphael Schitz @hypervisor_fr
Greg Schulz @StorageIO
Eric Sloof @esloof
Anthony Spiteri @anthonyspiteri
Michael Wilmsen @WilmsenIT
Questions & Updates
For questions about the application process or the vExpert Program, please send an email to Be sure to follow @vExpert for updates on the 2016 vExpert program.
Thank You,
Corey Romero and the VMware Storage & Availability Business Unit