2019 Announcements vExpert

vExpert 2019 Second Half Award Announcement


Thank you to everyone who applied for vExpert and thank you to the vExpert PRO’s for doing their part in this process. We are pleased to announce the list of 2019 Second Half vExperts. Each of these vExperts have demonstrated significant contributions to the community and a willingness to share their expertise with others. Contributing is not always blogging or Twitter as there are many public speakers, book authors, script writers, VMUG leaders, VMTN community moderators and internal champions among this group.

We are on-boarding 156 new vExperts from 40 countries, what shows that the vExpert is a global community and we receive close to 320 applications.

I want to personally thank everyone who applied and point out that a “vExpert” is not a technical certification or even a general measure of VMware expertise. The judges selected people who were particularly engaged with their community and who had developed a substantial personal platform of influence in those communities.

If you feel like you were not selected in error, that’s entirely possible. The judges may have overlooked or misinterpreted what you wrote in your application. Email us at vexpert@vmware.com and we can discuss your situation. We looked at all of the 2019 and 2018 activities to determine the voting results.

If you were selected as a vExpert 2019, we will be conducting the on-boarding throughout the next few weeks so hold tight and expect future communication from us soon.

You should now have the “YOU ARE IN” email in your inbox which will explain the entire program and what you need to do to be enrolled in our private vExpert community, vExpert Directory and our vExpert Slack channel. We will use the email address provided in your vExpert application for this process. We will extend the vExpert Reception invite to you for both VMworld US in San Francisco as well as VMworld Europe in Barcelona. Congratulations to all the vExperts, new and returning.

We’re looking forward to working with you all. Command + F away and find your name if you can’t wait for the welcome email.

Don’t forget to complete your profile at vexpert.vmware.com and sign the NDA. This is very important.

If you were not selected, don’t give up. Try to engage more with the community and find a vExpert PRO in your region to mentor and guide you to apply next time.

Corey Romero, and the VMware Social Media & Community Team

Note: The list below are the newly added vExperts only. This is not the complete vExpert list.


First Name Last Name Twitter
Vineeth A C Vineethac
Lakmal Abeywickrama
Pranav Aggarwal pragg12
Teddy Alerte Teddy092
Mohammed Alhassan
Hiroaki Andachi
Kristof Asaert vkasaert
Alexander Askin lexioj
Falko Banaszak Falko_Banaszak
Arsen Bandurian arsenbn
Greg Bates pensrule82
Guenter Baumgart GuBaumgart
Abdulaziz Bin Aqeel AzizAqeelVM
Matts Bos
Scott Bowe scottrbowe
Dany Bradet
Mike Brown VirtuallyMikeB
Paul Bryant emcpebryant
Jeroen Buren jeroen_buren
Tim Burkard v_gandalf
Gustavo Cardoso gcardoson
Frank Chodacki
Youngwoo Choi ychoi100
Matthias Czech matzeczech91
Veronica David sherin_ron
Anton Davidovskiy adavidovskiy
Raymond de Jong dejongraymond
Christopher Dooks ChrisDooks
Ronald Druzynski DruzynskiJr
Eslam EL Manakhly manakhly_el
Matthew Evans mattevans_uk
david Frankfort orangefanaticos
Mike Gerolami mgerolami
Niels Geursen NielsGeursen
Adam Gleeson CW_adamg
Andrés González cloudnativo
Ken Gould feardamhan
Bengt Gronas bgronas
Beniamino Guarnaschelli BGuarnaschelli
Adam Gudger adamgudger
Kevin Guimbeau Kevin_Pcc_ovh
Taylor Harris UCAdmin
Craig Herring SirGeekness
Hart Hoover hhoover
Jan Hosselaer janhosselaer
Takuya Ichijima ta_ichi23
Aleksandr Istomin
Brad Jervis brad_jervis
phillip judge
Arun kaliamurthy
Huseyin Kartal huseyinkartl
Rudolf Kleijwegt rkleijwegt
Agnieszka Koiorowska
Thomas Kopton ThomasKopton
Vijesh KV viju3010
Vladan Laxa latraxa
Valerie Lee
David Levy DavidJLevy
Shane Limbach LimbachShane
Jz Lin
Pete Lindley tbwfdu
Tim Maier virBeaver
Sivaramakrishnan Malikkal malikkal
Monica Martz monro_martz
Adam Matthews adampmatthews
Kyle McDonald KarmicIT
Joe McDonald EUCSE1
James McLeod jamcleo
Busra Mert busramert_
Martin Micheelsen
Ali Mirzaei Damabi
Beghalia Mohammed
Ibrahim Quraishi Mohammed ibrahimquraishi
Juan Mulford MulfordCastro
Vysakh Muraleedharan Nair Sheela vysakhms_nair
Yogadevi Murugesan Yogadevi1
Manuel Nhiuana Manuhh_L
Sean O’Brien sean_vclueless
takehiro ohshima sky_jokerxx
Murat Ozatag
Himadri Panda panda_himadri
Rajiv Pandey rajiv pandey
nitin panwar
Stephen Parker ssp2306
Varghese Philipose vPhilipose
Cesar Potrica
Yugi Purba yugipurba
Jackie Ramsey jackieramsey101
Rane Pramod Rane Pramod_Rane
Kiran Rao kometkiran
Karim Sabbagh nabliste77
Erkan SAGLIK saglik_erkan
Jason Samuel _JasonSamuel
Yoon Sejune
Chris Seline cseline
Jun Shimizu
Ricardo Silva ricardo_rfas
Ashish Singh sameerlove4u2
Zachary Smith
Akshay Sukhwal sukhwal
Marek Szymczyk SzymczykMarek
Dmitri Tanurkov
Faruk TERZIOGLU terzioglufaruk
Nithin Titta
Allan Torres
Quoc Trung Tu samson06701553
Michaël Van de gaer vdgMichael
Pearline Vijayakumar
Sime Visnjic vmware360
Deepak Waghmare waghmaredb
Mazhar Hussain Warsi
Caleb Wells virtuallywize
Paul Wiggett mrporcles
Marcin Wilczewski wilczewski1983@o2.pl
Sean Williams seanwilliams68
Seyed Yahya Zahedi Fard
Oscar Zuñiga alexzunigaj