Video: Virtual SAN From An Architect’s Perspective

Video: Virtual SAN From An Architect’s Perspective

Have you ever wanted a direct discussion with the people responsible for designing a product?

Recently, Stephen Foskett brought a cadre of technical bloggers to VMware as part of Storage Field Day 7 to discuss Virtual SAN in depth.  Christos Karamanolis (@XtosK), Principle Engineer and Chief Architect for our storage group went deep on VSAN: why it was created, its architectural principles, and why the design decisions were important to customers.

The result is two hours of lively technical discussion — the next best thing to being there.  What works about this session is that the attendees are not shy — they keep peppering Christos with probing questions, which he handles admirably.

The first video segment is from Alberto Farronato, explaining the broader VMware storage strategy.

The second video segment features Christos going long and deep on the thinking behind VSAN.

The third video segment is a run-over of the second.  Christos presents the filesystem implementations, and the implications for snaps and general performance.

Our big thanks to Stephen Foskett for making this event possible, and EMC for sponsoring our session.