Virtual SAN Backup with VDP – New White Paper

Hot off of the press: A new white paper that discusses backing up virtual machines running on VMware Virtual SAN (VSAN) using VMware vSphere Data Protection (VDP).vsan_vdp_white_paper These are the main topics that are covered:

  • VDP Architectural Overview
  • Virtual SAN Backup using VDP
  • Factors Affecting Backup Performance

The paper details test scenarios, how backup transport modes affect CPU and memory utilization of the VDP virtual appliance, and how the vSphere hosts management network is impacted when the Network Block Device over Secure Sockets Layer (NBDSSL) transport mode is utilized. The paper concludes with a summary of observations, recommendations when deploying the VDP virtual appliance to a Virtual SAN datastore, and some discussion around transport modes and running concurrent backups. A special thank you goes to Weiguo He for compiling this data and writing this paper!

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