What does open source mean to VMware? Well, the tl;dr version is: more than you might imagine. That’s why it was such a privilege for VMware Chief Open Source Officer Dirk Hohndel to join the latest New Stack Makers podcast.
As part of an expansive conversation with the New Stack’s Alex Williams, Dirk discusses what it means to be a good open source citizen before addressing the results of the New Stack’s second annual “Open Source in the Enterprise” survey and expanding upon VMware’s strategy to continue driving open source innovation.
Good citizenship starts with open source best practices—practices which form, evolve and mature to become a part of everyday work only when there’s a strong team behind it all. For VMware, that’s the Open Source Program Office, which represents a formal commitment to open source. In the podcast, Dirk explains why the recruitment of upstream engineers is one strategic component behind the building of VMware’s open source muscle.
So, rather than bore you with the tl;dr version, check out the podcast instead. You’ll hear more about VMware’s Open Source Program Office, how enterprises can establish an office of their own and why engineering is at the forefront of everything VMware does in the open source community. Check it out here or click play below!
Stay tuned to the Open Source Blog for more on VMware’s contributions to open source and be sure to follow us (@vmwopensource) and Dirk (@_dirkhh) on Twitter for all the latest open source insights and updates.