The fifth annual Open vSwitch Conference is fast approaching and it’s time to send us your presentation ideas. This year’s conference runs from December 5-6 and will be held at Club Auto Sport in San Jose, California.
We’re now inviting proposals for both long (20 minute) and short (five minute) talks related to Open vSwitch, OVN or both. You can submit proposals to through September 21.
Among the topics we’re interested in hearing about:
- The future of Open vSwitch (e.g., P4 and eBPF)
- NAT, DPI and stateful processing with Open vSwitch
- Deploying and using OVN
- Testing and scaling OVN
- NIC acceleration of Open vSwitch
- Using Open vSwitch to realize NFV and service chaining
- Porting Open vSwitch to new operating systems, hypervisors or container systems
You can find a longer list of topics at the conference information page. It’s not intended to be comprehensive, though. If there’s anything else that you’d like to discuss, just let us know!
If I had to highlight one area that I’m excited to learn more about this year, I’d pick the potential for higher level programmability in Open vSwitch. There are several directions that look really promising, including BPF (Berkeley packet filter) support. Improved programmability could help Open vSwitch become much faster and thus more useful over the next few years, so I’m keen to hear what people have to say on the subject.
If you haven’t been before, the Open vSwitch Conference attracts attendees from a wide range of backgrounds. In addition to developers, we always hear from users about how they are deploying Open vSwitch and OVN and what would make the tools even more useful. We also draw in academics who are using Open vSwitch in their research.
People travel to the conference from all over the world, offering a rare chance to meet colleagues you might otherwise know only virtually. In my experience, those face-to-face meetings are not just highly informative but also make for more productive online communications with each other during the rest of the year.
For more information about how to submit Open vSwitch Conference proposals, suggested presentation topics and how to attend the conference, visit’s conference information page. Stay tuned to the Open Source Blog and our Twitter handle (@vmwopensource) for updates from the conferences.