Log Insight for NSX FAQ

(Ed. Note: Got a question not covered here? Post them in the comment and we’ll add them.)

This FAQ blog has been converted to a KB Article (2145800), which will be updated as needed. Please reference http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2145800.

Q: What was announced?

A: VMware announced that all users with a NSX 6.2.3 (and beyond) license are now entitled to vRealize Log Insight for NSX at no additional charge. Read the full NSX 6.2.3 announcement here. 

Q: What is vRealize Log Insight for NSX vs. just vRealize Log Insight?

A: vRealize Log Insight for NSX is a full functioning version of Log Insight but is EULA limited to vSphere and NSX log data and content packs only.

Q: Is this Log Insight for NSX license a perpetual license or a termed license?

A: The license model of Log Insight for NSX mirrors the license model of the NSX with which it is purchased.

Q: What are the specifics of the license mapping?  

A: Broken down by license type:

  • NSX Standard, Advanced & Enterprise:
    • 1 Log Insight Standard CPU for every NSX CPU
  • NSX Term Standard, Advanced & Enterprise:
    • 1 Log Insight Standard CPU for every NSX Term CPU, but expires on date in license
  • NSX for Desktop Advanced & Enterprise:
    • 1 Log Insight Standard CPU for every 50 CCU of NSX Desktop

Q: What version of Log Insight supports these NSX licensing model?

A: Log Insight 3.3.2 or later is required

Q: Which edition on NSX license will include Log Insight?

A: All versions of 6.2.3 and forward will contain the binaries for Log Insight for NSX in the download center.

Q: Is vRealize Log Insight for NSX for new purchases only?

A: Every customer entitled to NSX 6.2.3 is entitled to Log Insight for NSX.

Q: Will existing NSX customers be able to benefit from this entitlement?

A: Existing customers who are entitled to 6.2.3 and beyond will have access to Log Insight.

Q: My customer is still on NSX 6.1.x? Can they still deploy Log Insight?

A: As long as they are entitled to NSX 6.2.3 (even if they have chosen to stay at NSX 6.1.x), they can download and license Log Insight. The Content Pack for NSX supports log formats from NSX 6.1.x and NSX 6.2.x.

Q: Where can customers get Log Insight for NSX?

A: Log Insight for NSX will appear on the NSX download pages for customers that are entitled to version 6.2.3 and later of NSX-V.

Q: Is Services and Support (SnS) for Log Insight covered for the portion of licenses provided along with NSX?

A: Yes, Log Insight SnS is included with NSX SnS purchase. SnS for Log Insight for NSX matches the NSX SnS level.

Q: Are there any restrictions to this version of Log Insight for NSX?

A: Yes, this version is limited (by the End User License Agreement, or EULA) to vSphere and NSX log data and Content Packs only. Customers will have to buy licenses for other types of log generating devices, like network hardware, Linux/WIndows, etc.

Note: A customer simply pastes their license from NSX 6.2.3 and beyond into Log Insight for NSX, and Log Insight for NSX will recognize the license and begin functioning.

Q: Is customer entitled to download the Content Pack for NSX with this license?

A: Yes, the Log Insight Content Pack for NSX is free for any customer who is entitled to deploy/use Log Insight. This Content Pack is available for download from the in-product marketplace or VMware Solution Exchange.

Q: Can a customer upgrade to Full Log Insight?

A: Yes, Log Insight for NSX customers upgrade by purchasing additional licenses for more data sources and Content Packs.

Q: How do customers expand their Log Insight licenses beyond what they are entitled to by NSX?

A: Customers will purchase Log Insight license(s) (either per CPU or OSI) as they would buy any new licenses.

Q: Can the customer download Log Insight binaries if they are entitled to NSX download?

A: Yes, the customer will be entitled to download Log Insight evaluations binaries via the NSX Download page on vmware.com. They will not receive a Log Insight specific entitlement under the Log Insight product name, only under the NSX product name.

Q: What is a “log stream”?

A: Any reference to a “log stream” is the equivalent to a Log Insight OSI or a TCP stream in syslog format. See the Log Insight documentation for more details.

Q: Where can I get more information?

A: For more information, see the Log Insight product page or ask a question on our Log Insight community, or email Henry Guo, henryg@vmware.com directly.