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VMware Hands-on Labs Scavenger Hunt at VMware Explore Barcelona 2023

Join the Hands-on Labs team at VMware Explore Barcelona for a chance to win some great daily prizes. The Hands-on Labs scavenger hunt is a simple, fun and interactive game to get you experiencing new content, meeting the team, and trying things you may not have known were available.

Daily Prizes

Monday’s Prize: Apple AirTag

Tuesday’s Prize: KODAK Step Wireless Mobile Photo Mini Color Printer

Wednesday’s Prize: Raspberry Pi Robot Kit – PiCrawler

Follow the Rules to Play and Win a Chance at a PlayStation5

  1. Complete the tasks assigned for the specific day(s) you are participating in.
  2. Post 1 separate photo per task to either or all of your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok accounts using #VMwareExploreHOL, #VMwareExplore and tagging VMwareHOL. Selfies are preferred, we want to see your smiling face!
  3. If posting to Facebook, please share the post to our VMware Hands-on Labs Facebook page.
  4. All caption prompts and engagement elements must be addressed in your post to qualify.
  5. If you correctly complete and post both tasks assigned for that day, you will be eligible to receive a prize the following day and will be eligible to win the grand prize raffle.
  6. The first 10 people to check-in with the Hands-on Labs Information Desk during event hours the following day will receive a prize.
  7. Tell the Information Desk “I’m here to see if I made the top 10 check-in for yesterday’s scavenger hunt tasks.”
Day Task #ActionCaption Prompt
Monday (Nov 6th)

Task #1 Take a self-paced Lab. Snap a photo of the computer screen.1. What did you learn while taking the Lab? 

Be sure to use #VMwareExploreHOL #VMwareExplore and tag @VMwareHOL
Task #2 Delve into today’s Odyssey Game and take a picture.1. What insights did you gain from this gamification lab? 

Use#VMwareExploreHOL#VMwareExploreand tag @VMwareHOL.
Task #3Capture your favorite part of the VMware Hands-on Labs room.1. Tell us why this is your favorite part of the room!
2. Tell us what you would like to see added/more of next year!

Be sure to use #VMwareExploreHOL and #VMwareExplore as well as tag @VMwareHOL
Tuesday (Nov 7th)Task #1Join the Pop-up Workshop at [12:30] OR take a self-paced Lab. Snap a photo of the computer screen.1. What did you learn while taking the Pop-up workshop or Lab? 
Use #VMwareExploreHOL#VMwareExploreand tag @VMwareHOL
Task #2Delve into today’s Odyssey Game and take a picture.1. What insights did you gain from this gamification lab? 
Use#VMwareExploreHOL#VMwareExploreand tag @VMwareHOL.
Task #3Capture your favorite part of the VMware Hands-on Labs room.1. Tell us why this is your favorite part of the room!
2. Tell us what you would like to see added/more of next year!

Be sure to use #VMwareExploreHOL and #VMwareExplore as well as tag @VMwareHOL
Wednesday (Nov 8th)Task #1Join the Pop-up Workshop at [13:00 or 15:30] OR take a self-paced Lab. Snap a photo of the computer screen.1. What did you learn while taking the Pop-up workshop or Lab? 
Use #VMwareExploreHOL#VMwareExploreand tag @VMwareHOL
Task #2Delve into today’s Odyssey Game and take a picture.1. What insights did you gain from this gamification lab? 
Use#VMwareExploreHOL#VMwareExploreand tag @VMwareHOL.
Task #3Capture your favorite part of the VMware Hands-on Labs room.1. Tell us why this is your favorite part of the room!
2. Tell us what you would like to see added/more of next year!

Be sure to use #VMwareExploreHOL and #VMwareExplore as well as tag @VMwareHOL

Register for Explore Barcelona

VMware Hands-on Labs Scavenger Hunt Terms and Conditions

VMware Hands-on Labs provide everyone with free access to VMware products and services to explore and learn. No installation required. You only need your Chrome or Firefox browser, a reliable internet connection, and, hopefully, not too many distractions.  

If you have a comment or request, contact us at   

Stay connected to VMware via Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube