Learn from top industry and healthcare experts at VMware Explore 2023 by attending our healthcare programming, which includes a healthcare customer reception, healthcare payer reception, and numerous healthcare sessions.

Join us at VMware Explore

Las Vegas, Nevada | The Venetian
August 21 – 24, 2023


  • Unleashing the Potential of Generative AI in Healthcare for Improving Access and Quality of Care [INDT2713LV]
    Lunch will be offered beforehand at 12:45pm!
    Abstract: The integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has emerged as a groundbreaking paradigm, poised to revolutionize the access, quality, and cost of care. This session aims to explore the transformative power of generative AI, with a focus on leveraging the cloud, network infrastructure, and virtual desktop infrastructure to unlock its full potential in healthcare. This panel discussion lead by industry thought leaders will showcase real-world examples where generative AI can successfully enhanced patient outcomes and improved clinical decision-making. (AI generated) In this session we will discuss strategies to modernize your infrastructure to be ‘AI-ready’. Having the right foundation is critical, from modernizing legacy systems, to standardizing on a modern application platform and having advanced security policies to protect PHI. Learn what it takes to leverage AI in your environment. 

Breakout Sessions:

VMTN TechTalks:

  • Speed Up Slow Horizon Logons [VMTN2833LV]
    Coming from a healthcare background, every second counts! And this includes the amount of time it takes to access a desktop. Find out how to identify what’s delaying access to the desktop.

Session scheduling for VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas is now available! Build your healthcare-focused agenda today and be sure to add our Healthcare Workshop at 2:00 PM on Monday, August 21. Lunch will be offered beforehand at 12:45 PM!

Learn more about healthcare industry programming at #VMwareExplore 2023 Las Vegas. Share on X

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