Today more than ever, IT teams need visibility into their digital workspace environment. If in the past (i.e., pre COVID-19 pandemic) high level understanding of environment KPIs was enough, nowadays IT teams are under scrutiny to get down in the weeds rather than seeing just the big picture.
To that end, we recently added the JOINS feature into the Workspace ONE Intelligence reporting engine. This new capability enables customers to report on multiple data sources, such as apps, devices, users, sensors, etc. in a single report. This new functionality eliminates the need to create multiple reports when trying to correlate data and draw meaningful insights across the different data sources.
How does it work?
While complex behind the scene, using this functionality is very simple. In the reports, all the user needs do is select a base category, such as user data, and they are then free to use data from other categories in both the columns and filters.
Here is an example: Risk Analytics in Workspace ONE Intelligence tells you that a specific user has a high risk score on his desktop device due to too many apps downloaded in a certain amount of time. You want to see which apps the user has on his device to make sure there are no risky apps. To do that, you would need to look up the specific user, look up his devices, and then look up for all the apps on his high-risk device.
The video below shows how you can do just that. A customer can filter for a specific user, add a column from the device category to show a list of the user’s devices, filter for a specific device, and then add a column showing the apps associated with that device.
Joining data sources is currently available for reports on Workspace ONE UEM data; we have plans to port this functionality to automations and widgets in the future. All existing templates and reports will function as they did before this feature was released.
We’d love your feedback on this new functionality, and if you think of something you’d like added or could be improved, work with your CSM to get in contact with the Intelligence team.
We look forward to seeing what you build!