VMware Unified Access Gateway 3.6 has just been released. New features include Secure Email Gateway Edge Service, migration from Tunnel Proxy to per-app Tunnel, OCSP stapling, and SAML JWT artifact validation, to name just a few. Three videos explain the changes on multiple levels.


What’s New in Unified Access Gateway Overview

Get the eagle-eye view of new and improved features. In addition to network and deployment enhancements, you are introduced to the new Secure Email Gateway (SEG) Edge Service, migration from Tunnel Proxy to per-app Tunnel, OCSP stapling, and SAML JWT artifact validation, to name just a few:



What’s New in Unified Access Gateway – Deep Dive

View the details at close range in this video. You see the most important features of this release in greater detail, including the new Secure Email Gateway Edge Service, migration from tunnel proxy to per-app tunnel, security features including OCSP stapling, SAML JWT artifact validation, and support for RADIUS Class Attribute, as well as many network and deployment enhancements:


Configuring Secure Email Gateway – Feature Walk-Through

Tour the Secure Email Gateway as Edge Service feature in this feature walk-through. The video shows you how to configure this feature on Unified Access Gateway, and how to utilize VMware Boxer to access internal email server through Secure Email Gateway.


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