I am very excited to announce a new long-awaited whitepaper: VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure Deployment Considerations, now available to help you avoid risks that can occur during deployment, and to avoid inadvertently prolonging or delaying the deployment process.
Avoiding unnecessary risks is just common sense, right? Not always. For example, did you know that the single most common obstacle in an effective deployment of VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure is not the infrastructure, not the hardware, and not the connection between end-user devices and corporate cloud? It is communication. When the key stakeholders and team leads are not in sync from the very beginning of deployment, they can inadvertently work at cross-purposes. At best, the result can be to slow things down. In the worst case, the results can be costly.
More and more enterprises are turning to VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure, a service that provides virtual desktops by subscription from the cloud. As a desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) solution, Horizon Cloud Service can lower the upfront costs of installation and setup. Horizon Cloud Service can ensure access to virtual desktops and hosted applications from any device, from any location. Horizon Cloud Service avoids security risks by providing a single console with built-in security options. Horizon Cloud Service integrates with your infrastructure and leverages your corporate infrastructure resources to extend your data center.
The VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure Deployment Considerations whitepaper is packed with useful tips for a successful and expedient deployment. It provides overarching insight into effective deployment, from choosing network options wisely and considering traffic flow when setting up VMware Horizon Cloud Service for the first time, to integrating with existing Active Directory users and groups, to establishing sound image optimization and management strategies, all the way to strategic profile and patch management.
You can find out how to avoid risks and delays during deployment in the VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure Deployment Considerations whitepaper. This paper also includes links to additional blog posts and whitepapers, a few of which are listed here:
- VMware Horizon Cloud Service with Hosted Infrastructure
- Moving Virtual Desktops to the Cloud
- VMware User Environment Manager
- VMware App Volumes
To comment on this paper, contact VMware End-User-Computing Technical Marketing at euc_tech_content_feedback@vmware.com.