Feature Friday Container Service Extension

Feature Fridays – Episode 90 – Container Service Extension install and config

Welcome to episode 90 of Feature Fridays. In this episode Sachi and I cover the VMware Container Service Extension (CSE) for Cloud Director. Starting from CSE 3.0, CLI for Container Service Extension and Kubernetes Clusters UI Plugin can be used to manage Cloud Director provisioned Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters alongside Native and TKGI (Ent-PKS) clusters. CSE brings Kubernetes-as-a-Service (KaaS) to Cloud Director by creating customized K8 templates that enables users to deploy and manage fully functional Cloud Director provisioned Tanzu Kubernetes clusters alongside Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) clusters.

CSE helps partners build a developer-ready cloud to expand their business by: delivering enterprise grade, standards-based, Kubernetes Cluster services for developers. Targeting a growing base of developers and DevOps engineers. Complementing existing VM-based cloud services allowing co-existent solutions that are ‘developer ready’ to simplify the complexity of a cloud-native solutions.

Container Service Extension and Kubernetes maybe new territory for some partners and using this video in conjunction with this blog https://blog-vmware.go-vip.net/cloudprovider/2022/03/tanzu-packages-on-tanzu-kubernetes-clusters.html, you can learn all about how to deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster service for your Cloud Director customers. With many customers looking at either hyper-scale container solutions or private cloud container solutions, this offering presents an opportunity for VMware Cloud Providers to address private cloud or shared public cloud KaaS in their data centers, negating possible customer attrition to other clouds for K8s services. In combination with Cloud Director support for GPU with NVIDIA, and Cloud Director App Launchpad marketplace for VMware marketplace, 3rd party or custom applications, we are delivering a complete portfolio for digital transformation that appeals to many industries.