Feature Friday Managed Service Provider Migration VMware Cloud Director

Feature Friday Episode 35 – PrimaryIO migration to VCD and CDs



Episode 35!



As you know each week we will release a new video covering a different topic in more depth. The content will be mostly technical but will also cover services that are feasible with the features. Keep an eye out on this blog site to see when a new video is released.

In this video I’m joined by Lorenzo Salhi founder of PrimaryIO, and Sumit Kapoor Technical Director of PrimaryIO to discuss the newly announced support for Cloud Director and Cloud Director service. PrimaryIO is now tested and verified for cloud migration use cases from on-premises to Cloud Director and Cloud Director service destinations, with warm migration coming soon. Using a customer side plugin, customers can migrate their on-premise virtual machines to their customer org in VMware Cloud Director on the provider target site.

Watch this Feature Friday here to find out more!

Of course, if you have feedback or there is a feature you would like to see discussed, please let us know. Email vcpp_gtm@vmware.com and we will find the best resource to give us the overview.

Now, it’s Friday 😊  and the weekend is almost here! Maybe it’s around lunch time wherever you are in the world, so go and grab something to eat 🥪  or a cup of coffee ☕️ and settle in to a 45 minute overview of how you can use PrimaryIO to cold migrate (warm coming soon) your customers to VMware Cloud Director and Cloud Director service organisations!