VMware Cloud Director NSX-T VMware Cloud Provider

Feature Friday Episode 34 – NSX-V to NSX-T Migration Tool 1.2



Episode 34!



As you know each week we will release a new video covering a different topic in more depth. The content will be mostly technical but will also cover services that are feasible with the features. Keep an eye out on this blog site to see when a new video is released.

In this video I’m joined by Romain Decker (Staff Technical Product Management) to discuss the new updated NSX-V to NSX-T migration tool – version 1.2. The NSX-V to NSX-T migration tool provides parallel migration to a new NSX-T environment on a org by org basis, it is the only tool that understands VCD constructs and is capable of migrating and converting functionality from NSX-V to NSX-T and NSX Advanced Load Balancer from Avi. NSX-V is not going to be supported anymore from the middle of next year, if you are currently using it, you must make plans to migrate. The actual migration will require a new NSX-T instance and Advanced Load Balancer from Avi instance if you are using Load Balancing today, customers can then be migrated with next to no outage with automated live-migration. Once migrated VCD 10.2 (and beyond) supports communications with NSX-T and Advanced Load Balancer from Avi, giving you great opportunity to sell more application delivery controller functionality with Advanced Load Balancer from Avi.

Watch this Feature Friday here to find out more!

Of course, if you have feedback or there is a feature you would like to see discussed, please let us know. Email vcpp_gtm@vmware.com and we will find the best resource to give us the overview.

Now, it’s Friday 😊  and the weekend is almost here! Maybe it’s around lunch time wherever you are in the world, so go and grab something to eat 🥪  or a cup of coffee ☕️ and settle in to a 45 minute overview of NSX-V to T newest migration tool and the offerings it could unlock for you!